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Сайт учителей английского языка "Средней школы №40
г. Витебска имени М. М. Громова"
English 40r children

Lesson 1. Mike's house
Study the picture. Read and repeat new words after the speaker.
a house

a garden
a bedroom
a kitchen
a living room
a bathroom
a hall
Watch the video and answer: What rooms has the girl got in her house?
Lesson 2. Design a house
Lesson 3. A house for Twinky
Оборот there is/are используется, чтобы сказать, что что-то где-то есть. На русский язык переводится с конца.

Is/are определяем по числу первого стоящего существительного.

Speak about the house.
Model. There is a bathroom upstairs.
There are two beds in the bedroom.
Lesson 4. A funny house

Lesson 5. There isn't a bed in his beroom
Compare two pictures.
Use: There is a../ There isn't a...
There are.../ There aren't any...
Room 1 Room 2

Lesson 6. Twinky and Floppy like flowers
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